Bruno M. Damiani, Ph.D.

Bruno M. Damiani, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins University) is a former Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures and Professor of Spanish, who taught at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. He is: an accomplished scholar, author, and editor; a world-renowned lecturer; an in-demand consultant and program officer for grant proposals funded by the United States Department of Education and the National Endowment for the Humanities; and the Founder and Chairman of Scripta Humanistica Publishing International.

Dr. Damiani has authored numerous books on the Spanish Golden Age, among them: Francisco Delicado (New York: G.K. Hall, 1974); Francisco Lopez de Ubeda (New York: G.K. Hall, 1976); "La Diana" of Montemayor as Social and Religious Teaching (Lexington: The University of Kentucky Press, 1983); Montemayor's "Diana", Music, and the Visual Arts (Madison: The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1983); Jorge de Montemayor (Rome: Bulzoni, 1984); Moralidad y didactismo en el Siglo de Oro (Madrid: Origenes, 1987); Et in Arcadia ego: Essays on Death in the Pastoral Novel (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1990) (Co-author); Arte y mensaje en la prosa del Siglo de Oro (Turin: Quaderni Ibero- Americani, 2008); and Narrativas humanisticas (Rome: Nuova Cultura, 2011). Dr. Damiani has also achieved notoriety for his edition of La Lozana andaluza (Madrid: Castalia, 1967); his critical edition of the same title (Madrid: Porrua, 1979); and his editions of La Celestina (Madrid: Catedra, 1974) and La picara Justina (Madrid: Porrua, 1982).
Dr. Damiani has published over one hundred fifty articles and book reviews on Spanish and Italian Renaissance and Golden Age Literature, among them several studies on Petrarch, Quevedo, Aretino, Malon de Chaide, Cervantes, Lazarillo de Tormes, and La Lozana andaluza. Noteworthy are his contributions to the study of language and symbolism in Cervantes's La Galatea. To cite just a few of his publications in this area are: "The Rhetoric of Death in La Galatea"; "Didacticism in Cervantes's Galatea"; "The Valley of the Cypresses in La Galatea"; and "La Galatea. Music and the Visual Arts."
Dr. Damiani has also edited or co-edited homage volumes in honor of Helmut Hatzfeld (1974), Gerald Wade (1979), D.W. McPheeters (1986), and Elias Rivers (1988), and has prefaced and co-edited the volumes entitled El impacto del humanismo en el Nuevo Mundo (National Endowment for the Humanities and Scripta Humanistica, 1995) and Humanities and the Health Sciences (University of Puerto Rico Press and Scripta Humanistica, 2001). Dr. Damiani has served on the Editorial Board of the Quaderni Ibero-Americani, Critica Hispánica, Kentucky Romance Quarterly, Journal of Hispanic Philology, Revista de Literatura, The Comparatist, and Dovehouse Editions of the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies.
Dr. Damiani has lectured extensively at more than one hundred universities in the U.S. and abroad, among them, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Berkeley, Venice, Paris and Madrid, and he has been visiting professor at numerous universities including the Universities of Salamanca, Malaga, Valladolid, Naples and Costa Rica, as well as the American University of Athens. He delivered a seminal lecture on "The Renaissance, Machiavelli, and Modern Politics" as part of the City University of New York's Distinguished Lecture Series, which has also included such other luminaries as: Former New York City Mayor The Honorable Rudolph Giuliani; Biomedical Researcher Dr. Robert Gallo of the National Institutes of Health; Judge Guido Calabresi of the United States Court of Appeals and Dean of Yale University Law School; and The Honorable Joseph Califano (Cabinet Secretary under President Carter and Professor at Columbia University).
Dr. Damiani has been the recipient of grants and honors from the American Philosophical Society, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the Program for Cultural Cooperation between Spain's Ministry of Culture and U.S. Universities, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. He has received The Distinguished Professor Award from the Inter American University of Puerto Rico, and is the namesake and first recipient of the Bruno M. Damiani Award for "outstanding achievement and professionalism in graduate teaching" at The Catholic University of America.
Dr. Damiani was awarded the Papal Benemerenti Medal by His Holiness Pope John Paul II in 1995, named a Member of The Order of the Corpus Christi by the Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo, Spain, in 1999, and, in 2013, was awarded the Official Cross of the Order of Queen Isabella the Catholic of Spain by His Royal Highness King Juan Carlos of Spain, in a ceremony held in Dr. Damiani's honor at the Residence of the Ambassador of Spain to the United States, His Excellency Ramon Gil-Casares.